Website Rememberer
Website Rememberer is a simple bookmark manager to store the websites you enter yourself. Very simple. You have a right click menu to remove, open website in default browser and move entries up and down. You can also use: Enter, Delete and Up & Down on your keyboard to do this.
This program can store websites. After you have entered a website, you can: Rename, Delete, Copy to Clipboard, Open Address in default browser and Move Up and Down.
F2: Opens rename option.
Delete: Deletes selected item(s).
Ctrl + C: Copy selected item to clipboard.
In Listbox: Opens selected item's address in default browser.
In text line to add addresses: Same function as the "Add" button.
Double Click: Opens selected item's address in default browser.
Ctrl + Up Arrow: Moves item up.
Ctrl + Down Arrow: Moves item down.
The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this bookmark manager software.