WeeWheel is an application that uses the built in accelerometer to detect movement and convert it into joystick, mouse and/or keyboadr signals for your PC, so you can play games by only moving your phone.
1. Remote joystick emulation with an acceleromenter through Bluetooth
2. Up to 8 Josytick button emulation through phone's keypad
3. Mouse & Keyboard emulation!
4. Macro: Record and play phone actions!
Quick Installation instructions:
1. Installing Python:
2. Installing PPJoy:
- Go to Control Panel -> Parallel Port Joysticks icon
- click on the Add... button in the PPJoy applet
- Click on the Parallel Port dropdown menu and select Virtual Port
- Click on Add
- Now select the newly created Virtual Joystick
- Click on Mapping
- Click on Next
- Choose 2 axes, 8 buttons, 0 POV hats
- Click 3 times on next
- Click on Finish
- Click on Done
3. Install WeeWheel
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this phone software.