WhereIsIt is a media cataloging software. The program catalogs the contents of media, equips cataloged data with imported or custom defined descriptions and thumbnails, and allows to further organize it using details such as categories, flags, disk groups, etc. Typically, WhereIsIt would be used for handling collections of removable media, where the actual data is not available at the time of working with the program, although many find it useful for managing accessible files as well, such as hard disk data, or for faster access to data on large and slow network drives. WhereIsIt is commonly used to handle any kind of data, from software downloads, office documents, to audio and graphics collections.
Catalog is a place where data for your media is stored. Catalog can contain data for many disks, CD-ROMs, floppy disks etc. Each catalog is organized in a tree structure layout; catalog name on the top, disks in the first level, root folders on disks are on second level and so on.
The main window is divided in two resizable panes, with status bar at the bottom, and ribbon bar or toolbar on the top. The Left pane is a tree structure, displaying all loaded catalogs and their contents. The Right part of the main window is displaying content of currently selected item in the left pane - if you have selected a catalog, then the right pane would display all disks stored in that catalog.
The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $39.95, you can free download and get a free trial.