Wireless Keyboard Indicator
Displays inormation about your wireless keyboard. The Wireless Keyboard Indicator is a program which stays in your Windows system tray and displays "Caps Lock", "Num Lock" and "Scroll Lock" status, allows you to switch key status, plays a sound when the key status changed and many more.
usage: KeyboardIndicator.exe [-1-7] [-c] [-mb.....]
KeyboardIndicator.exe No Parameter,default: Windows 7 style icon | No Display on screen|No sound note
"KeyboardIndicator.exe -1" Second Style(color icon) | No Display on screen | No sound note
"KeyboardIndicator.exe -2" Windows 7 style icon | Display on screen | No sound note
"KeyboardIndicator.exe -3" Second Style(color icon) | Display on screen | No sound note
"KeyboardIndicator.exe -4" Windows 7 style icon | No Display on screen | sound note
"KeyboardIndicator.exe -5" Second Style(color icon) | No Display on screen | sound note
"KeyboardIndicator.exe -6" Windows 7 style icon | Display on screen | sound note
"KeyboardIndicator.exe -7" Second Style(color icon) | Display on screen | sound note
"KeyboardIndicator.exe -c" use custom image.(must include Directory "skin" at Current directory, five images 0.bmp 1.bmp ....5.bmp inside)
"KeyboardIndicator.exe -rb" localtion display image at screen right below. same parmeter(-lb -mb -rt -lt -mt -ml -mr),without parameter, display image at center of screen.
eg:"KeyboardIndicator.exe -7 -mb"
* Wireless keyboard
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this mouse & keyboard software.