Wireless Scanner

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  • File Size: 76.59 KB
  • Date: Jan 11, 2014
  • License: Free
  • Category:
    Wireless Communication
Wireless Scanner Download
Free Download Wireless Scanner

Wireless Scanner is scans/connects/gives info about Wireless networks, it is a small command line-based software.

1. WirelessScanner -L [enabled|disabled] [-T] [-D]
2. WirelessScanner --List-Interfaces [enabled|disabled] [--Tab-Separated] [--Debug]
List all the wireless interfaces. If you specify "enabled" or "disabled" it shows just them.
With "-T" or "--Tab-Separated" the data is shown row by row with each field separated by a TAB character.
With "-D" or "--Debug" some debug information are displayed.

3. WirelessScanner -S ((-IN n)||(-IG guid)) [-C [n]] [-T] [-D] [-E file]
4. WirelessScanner --Search-Networks ((--Interface-Number n)||(--Interface-Guid guid)) [--Continue [n]] [--Tab-Separated] [--Debug] [--Execute file]
Scan the air and search for all the available networks on the interface number n or with GUID guid.
If you specify "-C" or "--Continue" the search is done continuosly with an optional pause of n seconds between each search.
With "-E" or "--Execute" the program will run "file" after a connection to a wireless network is estabilished and will wait for the end of its execution before to go disconnect and go on.

* WiFi adapter

The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this wireless communication software.

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