
  • Rating:
  • Version: 1.2
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  • File Size: 319.07 KB
  • Date: Feb 15, 2010
  • License: Free
  • Category:
XSheet Download
Free Download XSheet 1.2

A spreadsheet program to help you with your work. XSheet is a spreadsheet application designed with many of the basic spreadsheet features like function plotting, sorting, searching, import/export, formulas and runnable scripts.

XSheet Features:
1. Arrow Keys movement/selection
2. Mouse selection
3. Cell coloring, text coloring and font change
4. Statistical and matrix functions
5. Advanced formula evaluator. (using my java arithmetic expression evaluator)
6. Line graph, bar graph and pie chart.
7. Find/replace feature.
8. Import export from MS Excel.
9. Save/open spreadsheets.
10. Copy/cut/paste cells with key equivalents.
11. Undo/Redo
12. Script window
13. Import window

Using formula frame:
Formula frame can be accessed by pressing Ctrl+F or going to Window->Formula. A small window should pop-up with a input textfield and a "Run" button. You can run different expressions by entering the required expression in the textfield.

Using conditional statements
Sometimes, just performing operation on data is not enough, sometimes the data itself has to be considered. In XSheet, conditional statements start with #if keyword followed by a boolean expression (i.e. an expression that either evaluates to true or false) inside a pair of parenthesis. A conditional statement can only come after an arithmetic expression.

Plotting functions.
XSheet has a powerful plotting utility. It can plot line graphs, bar graphs and pie charts. There are two ways to plot a graph: using the formula window or the special plot window.

Using Script Window
Script window can be open by going to Window -> Script. A script is a group of instructions that are performed in succession. Every file has its own script. A script is useful when many operations need to be performed every time the spreadsheet is updated. To run a script, press F9 when the sheet is in focus. It can execute the same expressions as the Formula frame and also supports commenting.

* Java

The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this spreadsheet software.

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