index.NET is a front-end to the DGIndex CLI, with subtitle and closed caption extraction support, help people index their files beforehand in hope of alleviating the wait, especially when users where dealing with multiple files.
It's usage is simple, just select an individual file that requires indexing and click 'START', it's as simple as that. As you can see from the screenshot on the left, you also have an option to select a folder, which will add all compatible files to index.NET within your chosen folder.
Three options are also available to you, 'Force film', 'Extract subtitles', and 'Extract closed captions'. Anyone who has used DGIndex previously will know what 'Force film' is,
Please Note: index.NET is 'VOB SET' aware. What I mean by this is that index.NET will know if you are loading in an individual VOB file or a VOB file that is part of a set.
index.NET Further information:
1. Input can be individual MPEG1/2 files - same as supported by DGIndex (TS|VOB|MPG).
2. Input can be complete folders containing supported files (and any combination of files and folders).
3. To prevent folders becoming too clogged, indexed files (and audio) are extracted to source path plus filename.TEMP folder (D2V is set to use relative addressing so source file and .TEMP extracted files tree can be moved elsewhere).
4. Default Vobsub subtitle to be extracted will be that from PGC01, unless VOB filename specifies a different PGC like those generated by 'DVD Decrypter' or 'pgc.NET' - VTS_01_1.VOB can be extracted as VTS_01_PGC02_1.VOB if the current program chain ripped was PGC02 (this may be important for TV shows that have multiple episodes within the same title set).
5. Rip your DVDs properly! No matter what conversion program or utility you use, if you are doing any type of post processing of a DVD, like conversion to another format, rip the proper PGC (IFO parsing), don't just use the decrypted DVD in its 'normal' state, you're just asking for trouble, by you knew that right?
* NET Framework
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this video utility software.