Secure your PDF files with this command line software. jPDFSecureCLI is a command-line utility that can encrypt and decrypt PDF documents. jPDFSecureCLI uses the highest level of security available (128-bit RC4 Encryption). jPDFImagesCLI uses the jPDFImages Java library, so it can be used in any environment that supports Java, including Windows, MacOSX and Linux. A JVM is included (optional) with the installation.
After installing jPDFImagesCLI, you will have an executable file in your installation folder. Running the jPDFImagesCLI executable with no arguments will display the usage.
Usage: jPDFSecureCLI [options...] [files...]
-dir <dir> Directory for output files(s)
-overwrite Do not prompt before overwriting output files
-silent Do not print progress information to the console and do not prompt to continue on error
-security <value> Valid values are: set, clear Use 'set' with setopenpwd and setpermpwd and permission options. Use 'clear' with curropenpwd and currpermpwd to remove all security. Default is 'set'
-setopenpwd <pwd> Set the document's open password
-setpermpwd <pwd> Set the document's permissions password
-curropenpwd <pwd> Current password to open the PDF file, use if the document is already encrypted
-currpermpwd <pwd> Current password to modify the permissions
* Java JRE
* Displays a watermark in the saved documents and is limited to a maximum of 10 pages per document.
The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $300.00, you can free download and get a free trial.