
  • Rating:
  • Version: 0.3.62 Alpha
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 4.9 MB
  • Date: Aug 23, 2011
  • License: Free
  • Category:
    PDF Software
    File & Disk
pdfInspect Download
Free Download pdfInspect 0.3.62 Alpha

pdfInspect offers a flexible GUI interface for viewing the internal structure and content of PDF files. It wraps the Apache PDFBox 1.5.0 library using the Facets 0.8.79 implementation of Superficial superficial.sourceforge.net.

pdfInspect can be run from the executable jar which calls main in pdft.inspect.pdfInspect.class.

Memory management
To reduce perceived latency, the program maintains a cache of page content objects. As the cache can potentially consume an indefinite amount of memory, to avoid OutOfMemoryErrors the program needs a limit value for maximum usable memory. This value is set by default to 200MB but can be passed in as an argument.

Sets the memory limit to XMB.
Traces memory checking and object caching to System.out.
Sets the default rendering style to Text and Graphics.
Sets default line wrapping in the Code pane.
Invalid arguments are silently ignored, allowing arguments to be readily disabled eg by prepending _.

Session values
Session values (including sizes and arrangement of windows and panes) are persisted in pdfInspect.state.xml which is created as required in the startup folder.

It provides the following user-selectable view panes:
1. Pages shows all PDF page dictionaries in order.
2. Document shows the complete object tree as stored in the PDF.
3. Trailer shows the PDF trailer which includes the pages dictionary tree.
4. Rendering shows a rendering of the current page, either text only or both text and graphics.
5. Extracted shows the text content of the current page.
6. Stream shows the PostScript code of the current page.

The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this pdf software.

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