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PWGen is a password generator capable of creating large amounts of cryptographically-secure passwords or passphrases (from word lists). It uses a random pool to gather entropy from user inputs and system parameters. Offers...

KeePass Password Safe
KeePass Password Safe
KeePass Password Safe is a secure password manager that allows you to store your sensitive login information in an encrypted database. It allows you to organize your entries into categories and offers several ways to...

ManageEngine OpManager
ManageEngine OpManager
ManageEngine OpManager allows you to manage networks, systems and applications. OpManager is suited for WAN monitoring, LAN monitoring, Windows Event Log and Services monitoring, URL monitoring, Server and application...

Keeper safely store your secret passwords, account numbers, website logins, notes, etc. Keeper Desktop is a software application which stores your secret passwords, account numbers, website logins, notes, lists and other...

HashPass is a password generator for Windows. Generates safe passwords with length of up to 128 characters based on your unique and safely set criteria and enters them safely into any text-input-capable target (password edit...

AppAdmin block applications easily and effectively. Drag an drop an application and tick the box or select the application with Add button and then tick the box, finally Press the restart explorer button to block the desired...