Androns Text Editor

  • Rating:
  • Version: ditor 1.0.6
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 3.22 MB
  • Date: Sep 17, 2010
  • License: Freeware
  • Category:
    Text Editor
    File & Disk
Androns Text Editor Download
Free Download Androns Text Editor ditor 1.0.6

Androns Text Editor is a text editor. It saves and reads standard ASCII text format. Use it for websites, text documents, setup information, etc. On of the many features of Andron's text editor is that it is built to recognize certain commands known as atx commands. They appear to look like simple HTML tags. but these specific commands has provides effects in your document when the user clicks Execute from the tools menu.

How to use ATX COMMANDS.
There are some commands that can be inserted into your document that when you execute the document there will be different actions per command. Here's a list of them:
<ATXTITLE>[title]</ATXTITLE> - this changes the title of the document's window into which ever is in between the two tags.
<ATXPROMPT>[Message]</ATXPROMPT> This replace all messages that matches which ever is in between the tags with the user's input.
<ATXLINK>File.ext</ATXLINK> When executed, this automatically load which ever document is listed between the tags.
<ATXMESSAGE>[Message]</ATXMESSAGE> when executed alerts the user with which ever message is between the tags.

Please note all ATX Commands must be capitalize. They are placed in a tag format similar to HTML tags. Each ATX Command is accompanied with parameters which appears in between the commands.
To execute the commands go to Tools / Execute.

Andron's Text Editor has the ability to download a webpage in text format and display it. you can insert this data into your document.

The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this text editor software.

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