Pxax P2Do
P2Do is a small, free and extremely useful todo program with its intuitive category & tag system. You're free to use it and introduce it to your friends & family freely.
Pxax P2Do Features:
1. Easy to use!
2. Category system
3. Category s Tags system
4. Add, Edit, Delete, Search Tasks
5. DueDate in friendly style
6. Mark Tasks with icons and Priority
7. Keyboard shortcuts
8. Intuitive grid layout
9. Tiny size, small footprint, simple and fast!
10. Built on powerful dotNet framework
Keyboard shortcuts:
- Alt+1: restore Todo screen from Windows Tray
- Focus on DataGrid: Home, End, F2 (Edit), Del (Delete), Enter (Done), Space (Focus for adding)
- Ctrl+Tab: next Category
- Ctrl+Shift+Tab: previous Category
- Alt+C: toggle Month Calendar
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this information management software.