- Rating:
- Version: 6.2.0
- Publisher:
www.teklinepublishing.co.uk - File Size: 8.37 MB
- Date: Mar 10, 2010
- License: Freeware
- Category:
Information Management
TIM (Tekline Information Manager) Freeware is very versatile and easy to use. Simply click on the Group Manager Button and create a group on any subject you like. Save the Subject Group and you will be ready to add as many Topics associated with the group you have just created. To add a Topic go to the Topics Editing console to the right of the screen and click on the New button. Enter the title of your Topic, either paste from another application you may have opened, for example a webbrowser and paste it into the Quick Notes box, or alternatly use the open file button to load the notes from an external file. Save the Topic and that's it. Easy peasy.
There are currently SIX versions of TIM that are targeted for certain needs. More will follow. All versions share common features to the TIM FREEware version, but have additional enhancements that are directed towards their target usages.
1. TIM FREEware - FREE
2. TIM Standard - GPD10 or equivalent currency
3. TIM Galleria - GPD20 or equivalent currency
4. TIM Multimedia - GPD25 or equivalent currency
5. TIM Business - GPD50 or equivalent currency
6. TIM Enterprise - GPD75 or equivalent currency
These include version that have enhanced word processing notes with embedded pictures (TIM Standard), Picture attachments and manipulation (TIM Galleria), playing movies, audio and pictures (TIM Multimedia), business documents and applications (TIM Business) and all versions of TIM rolled into one (TIM Enterprise).
TIM is perhaps the most versatile and useful program you will ever use. It can be adapted for any requirement where information needs to be managed. And depending upon what version of TIM you use it does not matter what form that information takes.
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this information management software.