
  • Rating:
  • Version: 1.1.0
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 20.67 KB
  • Date: Jul 23, 2012
  • License: Freeware
  • Category:
    Disk Management
    File & Disk
SizeReporter Download
Free Download SizeReporter 1.1.0

Generates a CSV / TSV (tab separated file) report of the disk usage. SizeReporter generates a CSV/TSV (tab separated file) report of the disk usage.

It runs from the console and can be triggered by scheduled jobs or be run by scripts. It does not make any GUI call (no pop-ups, no dialogs) so it can also be run safely by services or continuous integration systems (CI) like CruiseControl for example.

The CSV file can be read by MS excel directly or imported into Open office calc for example to process the results and create reports or diagrams.

The executable only has two parameters: the directory to parse (may be a network path) and the depth of reporting.
It currently reports following items:
1. level: the directory level from the root of parsing (level 0 is the directory that was given as a parameter on the command line)
2. file count: The number of files in the directory and all sub-directories
3. directory count: The number of directories and sub-directories inside the directory excluding the directory itself)
4. virtual size (MB): the sum of the size of each file in the sub-tree
5. size on disk (MB): the sum of bytes occupied on disk. Due to cluster rounding and eventual file compression, this often differs from the virtual size.
6. last modification date: the date of the last modification in the sub-tree
7. path: the path of the sub-tree, relatively to the path given as an argument

* Microsoft .NET Framework

The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this disk management software.

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