Bitrate calculator
Bitrate calculator is a tool to help you calculate various bitrates.
1. Video: Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Framerate (23.976, 24.0, 25.0, 29.97, 30.0, 50.0 59.94, 60.0) , Total frames, Width, Height, Ratio, Keep aspect ratio. The aspect ratio includes 0.83 (5:6), 1.00 (1:1), 1.22 (11:9), 1.25 (5:4), 1.33 (4:3). 1.50 (3:2), 1.56 (14:9), 1.60 (16:10), 1.67 (15:9), 1.78 (16:9), 1.89 (17:9), 2.21 (2.21:1), 2.33 (2.33:1), 2.35 (2.35:1), 2.40 (2.40:1)
2. Audio: Track 1 (Bitrate, Size), Track 2 (Bitrate, Size), Track 3 (Bitrate, Size)
3. Calculate from:
* Video bitrate (kbps)
* Bits/(pixel*frame)
* Final file size: Custom, 350, 700 (1 CD), 100, 1400 (2 CDs), 4480 (DVD), 23450 (BD), 46900 (BD-DL)
A lot of inspired from Bitrate calculator of MeGUI. But this software is a stand alone and don't need MeGUI.
The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this calculator software.