COAL is a program for computing gene tree probabilities and simulating gene trees in species trees under the coalescent model. A tool for computing gene tree probabilities.
The program COAL computes the probability of a gene tree given a species tree assuming the coalescent model.
COAL Features:
1. Computes probabilities of gene tree topologies given a fixed species tree with branch lengths specified in coalescent units (number of generations divided by twice the effective population size for a diploid population).
2. Both trees are assumed to be bifurcating, although species tree branch lengths can be set to zero to get around this.
3. Multiple (or zero) individuals sampled within species are allowed, but the notation is specific; labels for individuals should be the species name followed by a hyphen, then a number. For example, if A is a species name, then genes sampled from A should be called A-1, A-2, etc.
4. There are three input files: a species tree file with species trees in Newick format; a gene tree file, with gene trees in Newick format; and an input file with commands including the names of species and gene tree files, the number of taxa, and options for output.
5. Output options allow coalescent histories to be listed or not. If so, symbolic formulas for gene tree probabilities can be given in terms of p_{uv} terms (see paper). Other options include printing the gene tree topology, computing cumulative probabilities for gene trees within each species tree, and counting the number of coalescent histories. See the help file for various options.
6. Gene trees can be simulated within species trees. Currently this is limited to the one gene per species case and requires constant population sizes in the species tree. Gene trees are generated so that subtrees are rotated uniquely. For example, if ((A,B),C) is a subtree, (C,(A,B)) will not be generated.
When running the program from the command line, arguments can be used to change either the input le, or to override the settings in the input le. (The latter feature is especially useful for writing scripts.)
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this calculator software.