All the chemistry data you need in one place. ChemToolBox, the swiss army knife of the lab worker, is a freeware which contains numerous scientific data very useful in a laboratory. Thanks to its own database, ChemToolBox will easily substitute to the time-consuming use of scientific books (such as Handbooks) or online databases.
ChemToolBox is a freeware for a broad audience (any level students, Ph.D. or even senior scientists). More precisely, it will be the ideal partner of chemists (organic chemistry, analytical chemistry or polymer chemistry), biologists and biochemists.
In its day-to-day use, ChemToolBox will be a precious help in various fields such as organic and inorganic chemistry, physico-chemistry, biochemistry, spectroscopy, etc.
The aim of ChemToolBox is to be a help to the greater number. As a consequence, ChemToolBox is a freeware-type program; so entirely usable and free.
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this calculator software.