Dagra (Digitize graphical data) can easily digitize data from a printed graph using Bezier curves. Using Bezier curves, you can quickly and accurately retrieve data from scanned or graphical images. You will only need to click a point on the graphic file, then drag to show the curves tangent at that location. Add-ins for MathCad, Excel and Matlab let you quickly load the digitized data into these analysis tools.
Dagra takes graphical data and helps you quickly convert it to numeric data for further analysis. Dagra gives you access to the wealth of information presented graphically in datasheets and journal articles. Once converted to numbers, you can use this data in design calculations, for testing theories or compare it with your own experimental data.
Graphs are great for understanding results in reports and papers, but to use those results in your own analysis, you'll want the underlying numerical data. Your analysis will be more flexible because you can easily include all the data from the graph, rather than just a few points read manually.
Extract numerical data from a graph in 3 steps with Dagra:
1. Import the graph
Dagra can import most common image formats (BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, WMF, EMF). You can also use an image from the clipboard (copy a graph directory from a Acrobat PDF file, for example), or grab a screen shot. more...
2. Trace the data
Digitize scatter plots or quickly trace smooth curves with Dagra. Tracing curves is fast because you do not have to tediously locate every data point. Instead, Dagra uses Bezier curves that let you quickly fit a smooth, accurate line through any curve using only a few control points. Dagra uses interpolation to find all the points on the curve it needs to accurately describe your data. more...
3. Export the data
The traced data can be exported to comma or tab delimited text files, which can be imported into most analysis packages. A Plug-in for Microsoft Excel and functions for Python and Mathworks Matlab let you import data from Dagra files directly
Dagra lets you access a wealth of printed data for:
1. Design calculations
2. Numerical modelling
3. Simulations
4. Control system development
5. Comparing new results with previous work.
Graphs can be imported from many image file formats including:
1. Bitmap (BMP)
2. Graphic interchange format (GIF)
3. Joint photographic experts group (JPG, JPEG)
4. Portable network graphics (PNG)
5. Tagged image format (TIF, TIFF)
6. Windows meta files (WMF)
7. Enhanced windows meta files (EMF)
Dagra will also import images directly from the clipboard. This is ideal for pulling graphs from Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files, a format commonly used for published papers and data sheets. Just use the Acrobat Snapshot Tool to copy the graph onto the clipboard.
* Microsoft .Net Framework
The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $49.95, you can free download and get a free trial.