Dolphin Text Editor Menu
Many text editors are lacking when it comes to basic text manipulation.
(e.g. Notepad is frequently used to edit files, but it has only the most basic of text editing functions.) Dolphin Text Editor Menu will work with any software where you can type paragraphs. This includes OpenOffice Writer, MS Word, memo-boxes in Firefox, Notepad, Wordpad, html/php editors, etc.
Dolphin Text Editor Menu expands the functionality of any text editor by adding an extra menu allowing you to:
Add to lines
1. Append text
2. Prepend text
3. Append number
4. Prepend number
Sort lines
1. Text ascending
2. Text descending
3. Numeric ascending
4. Numeric descending
5. Reverse
1. Blank lines
2. Left characters
3. Right characters
4. Duplicate lines
5. Leading spaces
6. Trailing spaces
Case Upper
1. Lower
2. Title
* Repeat text
Dolphin Text Editor Menu gives you numerous text formatting tools, but only shows itself when it is needed. So, if you are changing source code; editing html/php; writing a report; or simply making notes - then Dolphin Text Editor Menu can make your life easier. Dolphin Text Editor Menu doesn't replace your current text editing software. Instead, it makes your text editors better.
All you have to do is:
1. Highlight the text you want to alter.
2. Press the hotkey (which is initially set to Ctrl+NumPad0).
3. Choose a function from the menu.
The highlighted text will them be altered accordingly.
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this text editor software.