Genome analysis made easy. Easyfig is a python application for creating linear comparison figures and graphs of multiple genomic loci with and easy-to-use graphical interface. BLAST comparisons beween multiple genomic regions, ranging from single genes to whole prokaryote chromosomes, can be generated, visualised and interactively coloured, enabling a rapid transition between analysis and the preparation of publication quality figures.
Two versions of easyfig are available from easyfig.sourceforge.com: easyfig.win32.zip and the source
code easyfig.py. Easyfig.py will run on any platform with python version 2.5, 2.6 or 2.7 and tkinter,
which is included in most standard installs of python as part of the standard library.
Easyfig.win32.zip is a standalone application for windows XP and later, to install simply unzip using
windows native unzipper, peazip or any range of decompressions software, and run easyFig.exe from
inside the unzipped folder.
* Python
The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this calculator software.