
  • Rating:
  • Version: 4.1
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 417.25 KB
  • Date: Mar 31, 2014
  • License: Freeware
  • Category:
EnCalcGU Download
Free Download EnCalcGU 4.1

EnCalcGU calculates the cost of gas, allowing both the real cost based on meter readings and forward prediction based on the readings and elapsed time. The results can be saved to a rsults log and a history log file for later analysis. The program can cope with different charging rates for gas based on a preset threshold, different calorific values/correction factors, imperial and metric meters, varying tax rates plus fixed charges and discounts enabling most charging models to be handled. It will also calculate the amount of CO2 generated. EnCalcGU is part of the JSutils group of software utilities which have a theme of energy conservation. See the log files and screen shot for examples of use.

What ever purpose EnCalcGU is used for you need to enter two sets of meter readings taken on specific dates. The program will calculate the cost between these two dates and if 'Predict' is not 0 will predict the gas cost for the specified number of quarters or months ahead based on the amount used as calculated from the readings entered. The prediction accuracy will improve the greater the time between the two sets of meter readings. Be warned the prediction accuracy will also be affected by seasonal variations such as weather and daylight hours.

Please Note: you must register a free, non-comercial use account to use this program .

The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this calculator software.

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