Find the eigenenergies and eigenfunctions for the Schrödinger equation. EnergyRB allows you to easily find and display energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for the one-dimensional time-independent Schroedinger equation. Incorporating REALbasic's RBScript, almost any potential energy function can be entered by the user. This function does not need to be even.
EnergyRB uses a "shooting" method in which both even and non-even potentials are handled in the same manner. The units are based on h/2π = m = 1.
In the graph the wave function is in black, the potential energy function is in red, and the energy level is in green.
In general, if one counts the excursions of the wave function above and below the x-axis and subtracts one, this gives the order of the energy with 0 = ground state, 1 = first excited state, etc. Get EnergyRB and take it for a spin to see what it can actually do for you.
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