FCS Extract
Extract Flow Cytometry Standard (FCS) data from a binary FCS file. The purpose of the FCSExtract utility is to extract Flow Cytometry Standard (FCS) data from a binary FCS file and convert it to an ASCII text format, which can be read by a variety of software analysis packages. An example of working with this data in R is provided.
You may be frustrated if you attempt to analyze your flow cytometery data in a FCS file using any third-party software analysis tool. The FCS file is a binary file, and contains a number of non-ASCII text characters, which are unprintable, and unreadable by many programs. You cannot just load a FCS file into Excel or other analysis tool easily.
While the .FCS file extension is commonly used with flow cytometry data, there are other programs that define different .FCS files. There are at least 9 programs that define FCS files, which are not the same as the flow cytometry files. Be sure your version of Windows has the correct program association for .FCS files.
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