Free Fall Cartesian Model
Study a ball dropped near the surface of Earth onto a platform dynamics. Free Fall Cartesian model displays the dynamics of a ball dropped near the surface of Earth onto a platform. The initial conditions for the ball are an initial positive velocity in the x direction and zero initial velocity in the y direction. The coefficient of restitution for the ball's collision with the platform is less than one. You can modify this simulation if you have Ejs installed by right-clicking within the plot and selecting "Open Ejs Model" from the pop-up menu item.
Free Fall Cartesian extends the Free Fall model of a ball bouncing on a table top to include motion in the x (horizontal) direction. The model includes a trace that shows the ball's trajectory as well as a more sophisticated collision algorithm that takes into account the finite width of the table top. Newton's second law F = ma?is a vector equation and it must be satisfied in both the horizontal and vertical direction.
* Java
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