GA Fuzzy Clustering

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  • Version: 1.0
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 444.96 KB
  • Date: Oct 14, 2010
  • License: Freeware
  • Category:
GA Fuzzy Clustering Download
Free Download GA Fuzzy Clustering 1.0

GA Fuzzy Clustering is a clustering tool for microarray data. It implements fuzzy c-mean clustering algorithm improved with Genetic algorithm to search for global optimum.

Input file format::
1. This program uses a plain text file as input.
2. All the data items must be separated by tabulators.
3. No missing values are allowed.

1. First line contains names of all columns.
2. Each line (beginning with second) must have the gene name (1 column or more) and the expression values for each condition.

Distance matrix:
1. First line contains caption (single word or a string in the 1st position)
2. and names of elements
3. Each line (beginning with second) must contain name of element (the same, as in the corresponding column) and values of distances between this element and the others.
4. Matrix is symmetric.
5. All values are normalized (not greater than 1.0).
6. Note: similarity matrix is also allowed.

Output file format:
1. Parameters of the algorithm
2. Distribution of genes in clusters (if membership is > 1/nuberOfClusters)
3. Membership matrix for all genes
4. Coordinates of centers of clusters (in the gene expression units)

The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this calculator software.

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