GeneCoder is a freely available, comprehensive molecular biology software package for use in molecular cloning and sequence analysis of DNA and protein sequences.
GeneCoder Features:
Restriction Enzyme Analysis
1. Dynamic Restriction Site Lists.
2. Editable Restriction Enzyme Library.
3. Restriction Enzyme Digests.
4. Dynamic Restriction Maps.
* Highlight regions of interest in DNA and protein sequences, and include these regions in graphic representations such as restriction maps.
1. Pairwise alignments for both DNA and protein sequences.
2. Remote access to the NCBI BLAST server to perform comprehensive BLAST sequence analysis.
3. Search for common sequences from an editable database of sequences.
4. Align DNA sequences from multiple files and merge the alignements into a single sequence.
5. Align, merge, and compare multiple DNA sequences to a reference sequences.
1. Compatible with FASTA, Genbank, EMBL, ABI, DNA Strider, Text, and more...
2. View, analyze, and import DNA sequence chromatograms traces.
3. Export sequences as FASTA, plain text, Genbank, or EMBL file formats.
Oligo Tools
1. Calculate Oligonucleotide properties, including Melting Temperature, %GC content, and molecular mass.
2. Calculate potential oligonucleotide hairpins and annealing.
3. Create and analyze siRNA oligos.
Other Tools
1. Translate DNA sequences into a protein sequence by one phase or three phase.
2. Perform remote Entrez Sequence Queries and download DNA and protein sequences from NCBI.
3. Search for short sequences within a sequence file.
* Java
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this calculator software.