GenomeSlicer facilitates subsequence extraction from fasta format genome sequences. A graphical tool for Microsoft Windows which extracts relevant sub-sequences from Fasta or Genbank format sequence files. GenomeSlicer can return targeted coding sequences (genes), variable regions upstream or downstream of genes, as well as sub-sequences specified by a given 5' coordinate and 3' coordinate. GenomeSlicer can generate output in both multi-fasta and spreadsheet formats. As of version 1.0, GenomeSlicer only fully supports prokaryote sequences, however some of the functionality in GenomeSlicer 1.0 can be applied to eukaryotic sequences as well.
GenomeSlicer is started either through a start menu shortcut or desktop icon if installed during setup, or by double-clicking on the executable file GenomeSlicer.exe. The Welcome dialog seen below can be disabled at start up by un-checking the checkbox on the bottom left of the dialog box
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