The Guardian (GUidelines for cARDIovasculAr risk implemeNted through an interactive computerized access ) software represents an interactive implementation of World Health Organization 2007 guidelines for the assessment and management of cardiovascular risk.
Guardian comes with preinstalled risk prediction charts used to estimate the cardivascular risk for 14 WHO epidemiological sub-regions.
Generates recommendations for prevention of cardiovascular disease in people with risk factors.
Generates recommendations for prevention of recurrent CHD (heart attack) and CeVD (stroke) events without the use of prediction charts. The secondary prevention recommendations are based only on clinical conditions (i.e. previous CHD or CeVD events).
The present software is named GUARDIAN, that stands for: GUidelines for cARDIovasculAr risk implemeNted through an interactive computerized access. It represents an interactive implementation of the WHO guidelines that provide evidence-based guidance on how to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease in two categories of people. These are:
1. People who have not (yet) developed clinically manifest cardiovascular disease (primary prevention). For these people the software:
2. estimates the risk by using the recently developed World Health Organization/International Society of Hypertension (WHO/ISH) risk prediction charts that are specifically tailored for individual world subregions and enable an estimation of the 10-year absolute cardiovascular risk;
3. provides evidence-based recommendations on specific preventive actions to initiate, and with what degree of intensity.
Guardian Features:
1. Guardian comes with preinstalled risk prediction charts used to estimate the cardivascular risk for 14 WHO epidemiological sub-regions.
2. Generates recommendations for prevention of cardiovascular disease in people with risk factors.
3. Generates recommendations for prevention of recurrent CHD (heart attack) and CeVD (stroke) events without the use of prediction charts. The secondary prevention recommendations are based only on clinical conditions (i.e. previous CHD or CeVD events).
4. Completely localizable and with full i18n support
5. Both recommendations and application strings are stored in external UTF-16 file.
6. Shipped with embedded SQLite database engine
7. The acquired informations are stored in a standard SQLite database in user reachable location.
8. Save & Print
9. Save your data for future reference.
10. Print generated reports.
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this calculator software.