HoubySoft Calculator
Advanced calculator with graphing, complex nums, stats, vectors, programming. HoubySoft Calculator is an sophisticated and efficient calculator designed with a very large number of functions and capabilities such as graphing (2D, 3D, parametric, slope fields...), support for complex numbers, statistics, boxplots, vectors, logic operations, strings, lists, a simple C-like interpreted programming language, user-defined vars/fns/programs, and much more. Even with such an enormous feature set, HoubySoft Calculators interface remains simple and usable.
All functions are implemented with the MAPM library allowing for high precision. Constants are stored with 128 decimal places.
- RPN / infix modes of input
- simple operations (+,-,*,/,%,!)
- Logic and programming
- implied multiplication
- powers (use the ^ sign, for example 2^5)
- user-defined functions (see the USER-DEFINED VARIABLES AND FUNCTIONS section)
- ans() - returns the result of the last expression
- abs(x) - absolute value of x
- acos(x) - arc cosine of x
- asin(x) - arc sine of x
- atan(x) - arc tangent of x
- cbrt(x) - returns the cube root of x
- ceil(x) - returns x rounded to the nearest integer upwards
- cmtoinch(x) - converts x, which has to be in cm, to inches
- cos(x) - cosine of x
- cosh(x) - hyperbolic cosine of x
- crossp(v1,v2) - return the vector cross product of v1 X v2
- ctof(x) - converts x, which has to be in degrees Celsius, to Fahrenheit
- ctok(x) - converts x, which has to be in degrees Celsius, to Kelvin
- dotp(v1,v2) - return the vector dot product of v1 . v2
- exp(x) - exponential function
- factorial(x) - factorial of x (you can also use the '!' notation)
- fibo(x) - return the xth term of the Fibonacci sequence
- floor(x) - returns x rounded to the nearest integer downwards
- floztoml(x) - converts x, which has to be in US Fluid ounces, to mL
- ftoc(x) - converts x, which has to be in Fahrenheit, to degrees Celsius
- ftok(x) - converts x, which has to be in Fahrenheit, to Kelvin
- fttom(x) - converts x, which has to be in feet, to meters
- gcd(x,y) - finds the greatest common divisor of x and y
- gmul(expr_1, expr_2, ..., expr_n) - similar to graph, but can draw an
arbitrary number of functions on one graph (note : to set xmin, etc., make a call to graph() first)
- graph(expr,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) - draw a graph (generate a PNG file if in command-line),
example syntax: graph(x^2,-10,10,-100,100) click here for more details about graphing
- graph3(expr,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax) - draw a 3D graph (generate a PNG file if in command-line), example syntax: graph3(x+y,-10,10,-10,10,-20,20) click here for more details about graphing
- graphpeq(expr_x,expr_y[,tmin,tmax,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]) - draw the parametric equation modeled by expr_x and expr_y (use t as the variable) click here for more details about graphing
- inchtocm(x) - converts x, which has to be in inches, to cm
- input([str]) - shows an inut dialog using either a standard prompt or str, if specified
- kmtomi(x) - converts x, which has to be in km, to miles
- ktoc(x) - converts x, which has to be in Kelvin, to degrees Celsius
- ktof(x) - converts x, which has to be in Kelvin, to Fahrenheit
- lcm(x,y) - finds the least common multiple of x and y
- ln(x) - natural logarithm
- log10(x) - common logarithm
- mitokm(x) - converts x, which has to be in miles, to km
- mltofloz(x) - converts x, which has to be in mL, to US fluid ounces
- mmass(molecule) - returns the molar mass of the molecule specified (use standard notation without using subscripts, such as H2O or Ca(OH)2)
- mod(x,y) - modulus (you can also use the C-style '%' notation)
- mtoft(x) - converts x, which has to be in m, to feet
- nCr(n,k) - binomial coefficient (combinatorics)
- nPr(n,k) - number of permutations (combinatorics)
- print(expr_1[,expr_2,...,expr_n]) - prints its number or string arguments (if more than one, separated by a space) and a newline character (useful for printing variables in loops)
- product(expr,low,high) - expression can contain 'x', which will be incremented from low to high inclusive, for example: > product(x^2,1,5) = 14400
- rand([int]) - if int is specified, return a random integer in the range [1 ; int], otherwise return a real number in the range [0;1[
- round(x) - round x to the nearest integer (for .5 cases, away from zero)
- sin(x) - sine of x
- sinh(x) - hyperbolic sine of x
- slpfld(expr[,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]) - draw a slope field of dy/dx = expr
- sqrt(x) - returns the square root of x
- sum(expr,low,high) - expression can contain 'x', which will be incremented from low to high inclusive, for example: > sum(x^2,1,5) = 55
- tan(x) - tangent of x
- tanh(x) - hyperbolic tangent of x
- totient(x) - Euler's totient function
- write(fname,expr_1[expr_2,...,expr_n]) - behaves like the print function, but writes to the file specified with fname
- Constants:
- answer - The Answer
- c - speed of light
- e - Euler's number
- g - standard gravitational acceleration on Earth
- phi - Golden ratio
- pi
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