Practice fractions with this utility. JFractionLab helps you to practise fractions calculations. It gives you a graphical Feedback, so you can see what you are doing. The previous name of JFractionLab was JBruch.
With JFractionLab makes the fractions fun. JFractionLab is a free program for practicing fractions at school or at home.
JFractionLab visualizes computational steps and helps to understand it.
JFractionLab are immediately after each input feedback. Wrong Results are not possible.
JFractionLab is easy to use, with "Return" and the number buttons you can navigate through the tasks.
The student decides how many exercises he does. In the menu, he clearly sees his previous stint. He calculated the number of exercises store in a log file.
In a survey one can easily get to all protocols a list view. This is primarily intended to assist the teacher.
JFractionLab is international. Currently "speaks" JFractionLab:German, French, Spanish, English, Italian and Portuguese.
* Java
The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this calculator software.