Master Math Word Problems
Solving word problems is an area where elementary students overwhelmingly display difficulties. Master Math Word Problems is a great tool to help students become better at solving word problems through practice. This program creates word problems using randomization features that allow students to revisit the same type of problem without seeing the same problem repeatedly.
The freely distributable version of Master Math Word Problems should be considered trial-ware. It gives you the opportunity to try out the Master Math Word Problems program, but you will be limited in that the program will only allow 3 questions per round and the Multiplication/Division and Mix categories can not be selected. However, you can purchase a registration code (see information below) that once entered into the program will unlock all features in this program.
* Some options are locked and round lenght is limited to 3 questions per round until the product is registered.
The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $4.99, you can free download and get a free trial.