
  • Rating:
  • Version: 1.0.0
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  • File Size: 896.75 KB
  • Date: Mar 12, 2012
  • License: Free
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MatheMatix Download
Free Download MatheMatix 1.0.0

Mathematix is a simple and easy to use software that is designed to solve quadratic equations and perform Matrix Multiplications. This application was designed using Visual Basic. Visual Studio served as the primary IDE in this project.

A matrix is simply a retangular array of numbers.

1. Quadratic Equation Solver:
* It can solve any quadratic equation with real coefficients.
* For equations with rational roots, the factorized form is shown.
* The nature of roots, value of discriminant is also made known to the user.
* File can also be used to give inputs.

2. Matrix Multiplication:
* Multiplies two matrices of the user's choice.
* User can enter the elements of a matrix in textboxes arranged in a matrix type style.
* A file can be used to provide input.

When using a file as input make sure you follow the following rules :
* Make sure that you use a text file to provide inputs.
* In the text file, enter the numbers in row wise order. The numbers should either be separated by new characters or tabs or spaces.
* Any other string in the text file is neglected.
* Only the required number of elements is taken. For Example: If you need to give 3 inputs and provide a file with 4th numbers then the 4th number is left out.

The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this calculator software.

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