
  • Rating:
  • Version: 2.6
  • Publisher:
  • File Size: 433.69 KB
  • Date: Jan 04, 2014
  • Price: $2.99
  • License: Free Trial Software
    Free Trial 2 Days
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Mathwizard Download
Free Download Mathwizard 2.6

Mathwizard is one of the most powerful math tools there is. It gathers between the simlicity and ease of use of a simple calculator and the ability to solve complex math procedures.
1. For real and complex matrices.
2. Can solve matrices of up to 12x12 in dimensions and can solve complex matrices of dimensions up to 10x10.
3. Can store three matrices internally
4. Programmable
5. shows the past history of manipulations on matrices with their results
6. Can do all manipulations on real and complex matrices. It can do add, subtract, multiply, transpose, multiply or divide by a constant, inverse, determinant, and solve a system of semultaneous equations,LU factorization and can find rank.
7. Very easy exciting and fast to use

1. Can manipulate algebraic equation of up to power of eight algebraically
2. Can store up to six algebraic equations internally
3. Programmable
4. It is smart and made with tomorrows technology for today and it can factor and analyze any algebraic function and not restricted to special formats
5. It can do the operations of add, subtract, multiply, and divide of any two algebraic equations algebraic and produce an algebraic result, it can also multiply and divide an algebraic function with constant, it is a smart peace of software and can factorize any algebraic function as well as find the roots, It also can do algebraic fraction addition and subtraction, finally it can evaluate an algebraic expression
6. Very easy exciting and fast to use

Plot graph:
1. Has a one line text editor that supports a specially designed language for mathematics expression that is easy to grasp and understand
2. The math expression language supports algebraic, trigonometric, and logarithmic symbols and numeric constants representation

1. Numeric evaluation of integration
2. One line text editor that supports a specially designed mathematic expression expressing language that is easy to grasp

1. Numeric evaluation of Differentiation
2. One line text editor that supports a specially designed mathematic expression expressing language that is easy to grasp

Evaluation of a function:
1. Numeric evaluation of a function
2. One line text editor that supports a specially designed mathematic expression expressing language that is easy to grasp

* .NET Framework

* 2 week trial

The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $2.99, you can free download and get a free trial.

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