NUT is a Nutrition Software. Keep track of what you eat with this software. NUT allows you to record what you eat and analyze your meals for nutrient composition. The database included is the USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 22.
This database of food composition tables contains values for calories, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, total fat, etc., and includes all the nutrient data in the USDA database, including the Omega-6 and Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Nutrient levels are expressed as a percentage of the DV or Daily Value, the familiar standard of food labeling in the United States. The essential fatty acids, Omega-6 and Omega-3, are not currently mentioned in these standards, and a reference value has been supplied.
You may search this list of foods and view nutrient values for different serving sizes; you may also rank foods in order of level of a particular nutrient. You may change the daily calorie level to correspond to your personal metabolism, and the levels for fat, carbohydrates, fiber, and protein are automatically adjusted.
You may customize the ratios of carbohydrates to protein to fat to suit your personal regimen. You may add your own recipes to the database, by creating them from the foods in the database. You can also add foods from the information on commercial food labels. The program is completely menu-driven and there are no commands to learn.
NUT Features:
1. 7538 foods and 143 nutrients--the complete, latest USDA database
2. Foods easy to find and add to daily meals
3. Configurable for 1-19 meals per day and any dietary plan--including low carb, zone, low fat
4. Comprehensive meal analysis for any number of consecutive meals
5. Presents both easy-to-read percentage summaries and in-depth nutrient analysis, including Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids
6. Defaults to ounces or grams based on user input
7. Suggests foods based on current diet
8. Can automatically home in on the optimal calorie level by interpreting daily weight and body fat percentage input in order to lose fat mass or gain lean mass
9. Includes novel meal planning feature: you choose the food, NUT adjusts the quantities
10. Can easily create additional databases for other family members
11. Auto-transfer of successful dietary strategies from analysis screen to configuration settings
12. Allows recording of recipes and customary meals for fast data entry
13. Guesses recipes of packaged foods
14. Creates graphs of nutrient intake showing daily and monthly trends
15. Sorts foods richest in each of the 143 nutrients
16. Reveals which foods contribute most to user's nutrition
17. Runs on Linux and just about everything else that can compile a C program, and NUT has no dependencies on other programs
18. The price is right--it's free! And you can read and modify the source code.
The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this calculator software.