Oscail is a control program which provides convenient automated access to all of the crystallography, molecular modelling and visualization software.
The Oscail application was developed to be a control program which provides convenient automated access to all of the crystallography, molecular modelling and visualization software.
View molecules and pack crystal lattices using ORTEX, (interactive Ortep) with several hardcopy options. Photorealism is available using the Raster3D components RASTEP and RENDER which are linked to IrfranView.
Rendered movies of rotating molecules and molecular dynamics are simple to make using RASMOV. These movies are suitable for web pages, presentations etc. Rotatable opengl rendered graphics are provided by Pogl with high resolution output of any structure or crystal lattice generated by ORTEX or Moilin.
When Moilin is started outside Oscail it always starts up in the Moilin scratch folder with the jobname set to ptest and all atoms purged. This scratch folder is initally set to \moilin\scratch but may be altered in Moilin. The simplest strategy is to build into (or load existing molecules into) the ptest job and then to use the Save Current Job As option to save any molecule created.
Moilin Under Oscail Under Oscail the same approach is possible if the Ptest Moilin Scratch option is selected in Oscail before Moilin is started.
Oscail Features:
1. Most operations are just mouse clicks
2. Up to 5,000 atoms can be drawn
3. The addition of Bond Classes simplifies bond specification
4. More than 99 SYMMops may be used
5. A colour coded unit cell is used. 0-a, 0-b and 0-c are red green and blue respectively.
6. Simple lattice contact search and packing
7. Lattice may be expanded on the basis of bonds or H-bonds
8. Fragment selection with fragment delete and assemble to fragment function etc.
9. High quality hard copy including direct printing
10. Interface to Raster3D and OpenGL graphics.
Please Note: this software is Free Academic, commercial users must obtain permission for its use.
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this calculator software.