Quantum Tunneling and Wave Packets
Quantum Tunneling and Wave Packets analyze quantum particles tunnel. Watch quantum "particles" tunnel through barriers. Explore the properties of the wave functions that describe these particles.
Sample Learning Goals
1. Visualize wave functions for constant, step, and barrier potentials.
2. Visualize both plane wave and wave packet solutions to the Schrodinger equation and recognize how they relate to each other.
3. Interpret and distinguish the real part, imaginary part, and absolute value of the wave function, as well as the probability density.
4. Recognize how the probability of reflection and transmission of a wave are related to the energy of the wave, the energy of the step or barrier, and the width of the barrier.
5. Recognize that that a plane wave has a single value of energy and a wave packet has a range of a range of energies.
6. Explain how incoming and reflected waves interfere.
Non-obvious controls:
1. Use the Save/Load feature in the File menu to save a configuration for lecture or homework.
2. You can Pause the sim and then use Step to incrementally analyze.
3. Restart will return a wave packet to its initial configuration.
4. You can change the configuration of the potential and total energy by dragging the lines on the graph, clicking or Configure Energy, or using the Potential menu.
5. Use the buttons in the upper left corner of the graphs to vertically zoom in and out on the Wave Function and Probability Density.
6. If you want to look at the time-independent real part of the wave function as it is shown in most textbooks, Pause and then press Restart to reset the phase.
7. If you reverse Direction of incoming wave for a wave packet, you will probably also want to move initial position of wave packet center to the other side of the screen.
8. Use the Colors menu to change the color scheme.
9. If you are doing a lecture demonstration, set your screen resolution to 1024x768 so the simulation will fill the screen and be seen easily.
* Java
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