Software that teaches students how to identify significant figures and how to give answers correct to the required number of significant figures. Simple rules to help students remember better. Animation is used to help student learn more easily. It can generate thousands of numbers (up to 300 per session) for drills but users may also provide their own numbers. It accepts answers in ordinary form or standard form (scientific notation).
A new section provides practice on conversion between Standard and ordinary forms, and sums on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of numbers in Standard Form. It marks automatically and can print a detailed report after each session.
SigniFigures automatically uses the decimal separator (decimal symbol) and the thousands separator (digit grouping symbol) set in the system. The thousands separator and format can also be changed without affecting those set in the system.
For significant figures, it allows students to key in the answers either in ordinary form or in standard form (scientific notation), that is, A x 10n, where the value of A is from 1 to below 10 and n is any integer.
The teacher may specify that students give their answers in only one of the forms available.
For Standard Form, all answers must be in Standard Form, except for conversion to ordinary form.
Level: Secondary One, or Year 7 (Age: 12 years) and above.
The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $12.90, you can free download and get a free trial.