Design Skyhopper antennas. Skyhopper is intended to help anyone intrested in designing Skyhopper antennas. The Skyhopper antenna was named after the first one was compared to a grasshopper. The antenna is basically a quad opened up on the bottom. This up and over, over and down design had been used in HF wire antennas.
The antenna acts like a stacked pair on the vertical and a standard yagi on horizontal. The prototype for 2 meters made its first contact of over 200 miles while lying upside down on a picnic table. This lead to the discovery that it can be used very low to the ground by inverting it.
This method can also be used when there is match problems due to nearby objects. A 440 version with suction cups allowed an apartment dweller to have a beam antenna stuck to his ceiling. The antenna is very forgiving of dimensions. The prototype had screws in the end of the elements for adjusting but at 2 meters, 1/4 inch changes did not affect performance.
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