Stock Standard Preparation Calculator
Stock Solutions Preparations Calculator. Preparation calculator is not just a calculator, it check and make sure your lab preparation is correct. It provides you with lab procedure, required glassware and preparation guide lines.
Stock Standard Calculator created based on a chemistry research established since 2007. Research found that most of chemists and scientists have lots of mistakes in calculations in solution preparations.
Chemiasoft solve this problem by release a legend powerful software. That does not only make calculations but also check all your entry with compare to real preparation in lab. Also it provide general procedure for lab.
It offer the world new Stock Standard Preparation Calculator. New pioneer in analytical chemistry science
1. Make you lab life easy
2. Prepare stock standard solutions in easiest way
3. Eliminate all mistakes in calculations
4. Calculate exact amount required for preparing standard solution
5. Prepare all different kinds of stock standards include metal and ions
6. Generate report easily with single click. Report contains standard details, glassware and procedure
Stock Standard Preparation Calculator Features:
1. Easy to use
2. Practical and reliable
3. Powerful and guarantee
4. Support all kinds of standards includes (ionic, element and formula)
5. Support almost all units in analytical worlds
6. Check all your entry based on chemistry science
7. Generate report directly including a procedure for preparation with one Click
8. Support multi-Analyte standard.
9. Smart checking your data and perfect result
* Maximum two analytes can be used
* Save function is disabled
The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $99.00, you can free download and get a free trial.