TreeSnatcher Plus

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  • Version: June 2010
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  • File Size: 2.22 MB
  • Date: Oct 30, 2010
  • License: Free
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TreeSnatcher Plus Download
Free Download TreeSnatcher Plus June 2010

A Phylogenetic Tree Capturing Tool. TreeSnatcher Plus is a GUI-driven Java application that automates the generation of a machine- readable representation of multifurcating phylogenetic trees contained in pixel images. It uses image processing methods to prepare the image and to detect the tree structure. The user supervises the semi-automatic recognition process and makes corrections to the image and to the topology where necessary. At the end the program produces a Newick tree code that represents the tree structure optionally including branch lengths.

TreeSnatcher Plus is an extended and re-conceptualized version of TreeSnatcher. It is well fitted to support the research on complex phylogenies and will be helpful if one wants to combine phylogenies based on a collection of already published trees that are not electronically available. Moreover, TreeSnatcher Plus is also suited for educational purposes as it allows the user to construct his own trees and to modify existing topologies.

The work view displays an image of a phylogenetic tree. The image is overlayed with a representation of the tree topology. Blue nodes are branching positions, green nodes are taxa, the green lines are logical links (branches) between them. The lower window shows a Newick format representation of the tree depicted.The Newick expression can be copied to the clipboard or exported to a text file. You may type in taxon names or use the numbers the program assigns to each tip.

What follows is a list of the available activities in TreeSnatcher Plus. An activity can be issued from the pop-up menu which becomes visible after pressing the right mouse button, or from the application menu, or from the left and right tool bars.

Some functionality can be found exclusively in the application menu. All image operations act on the work-in-progress image and not on the original image. To avoid confusion, you might want to adjust the Blend Ratio accordingly.

The source image serves as a reference: It contains the species names that you might want to type in, shows the exact position of line intersections, the original branches etc. If it contains a scale bar, you can use it to scale the tree.

* Java

The license of this software is Free, you can free download and free use this calculator software.

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