Vinny RPN Calculator
Vinny RPN Calculator is a Reverse Polish Notation utility program for science and engineering students. It temporarily converts the computers numeric key pad into a RPN calculator by allowing direct use of key pad digits, [+,-,*,/] keys, [Enter] and [Up/Down Arrow & Page] keys. Trigonometric and logarithmic functions are provided by mouse clicking on dialog box buttons. Number inputs can be decimal or exponential with dot or comma (European) digit separator. Linkage to other applications is available through use of the Windows clipboard. Optional features include window stay on top, window shrinkage and a floating numeric key pad. This zip package contains the complete 32-bit utility program for Windows 95/98/XP/Vista/7.
* Use numeric key pad digits for data entry.
* Use numeric key pad keys for simple math functions [+,-,*,/].
* Use [Enter],[Up/Down Arrow] keys for register control.
* Use [PgDown/Up] keys to change sign of (X and exponent of X).
* Use trigonometric and logarithmic functions by clicking dialog box buttons.
Note: Simple math functions [+,-,*,/] are also provided as dialog box buttons.
* 1/X, Y^x
* X^0.5, X^2
* sin, cos, tan
* asin, acos, atan
* log, 10^x
* ln, e^x
* rad>deg
* deg>rad
* Delta %
Displays all four registers:
* T= Top
* Z
* Y
* X= working
* Copy and Paste, to and from, the Windows clipboard.
The license of this software is Free Trial Software, the price is $5.00, you can free download and get a free trial.