Pathway analysis made easy. VisANT help you with network and pathway analysis.
VisANT Features:
1. Network Module Enrichment Analysis (NMEA) to detect phenotypic difference between two data sets (e.g. gene expression of disease v.s. normal), try out NMEA for cell cycle pathway in P53 mutant data. NMEA is deigned to find functional modules that inform phenotypic differences. For the current release, such differences are usually transcriptional activity. NMEA by default will be performed for all non-embedded metanodes. The function is available under the Expression menu and requires the input of expression data (sample expression data). When execution of NMEA is complete, the nodes in the modules will be colored according to their enrichment scores
2. GO Term Enrichment Analysis (GOTEA) to find the over-represented GO terms in network modules. The function is available under the Metagraph menu and requires genes in the modules being annotated.
3. Batch mode automates database queries for interactions, name resolutions, and GO annotations,
4. Batch mode to automate batch processes in the background and to handle large-scale networks with millions nodes and edges.
5. Meta-Graph: multi-scale visualization of bio-networks, ideal for network of functional modules,
6. Fast batch loading of large interaction data set through Interaction Statistics page.
7. Flexible Visual Schema of the network: Customized node&edge annotation,
8. Integrative Data-Mining: 405k+ functional associations (Experimental:98924, Computational:307017) for 103 species, name normalization for Yeast, Fly, Homo sapiens etc.,
9. Adjustable high performance, supports large-network, test has been performed with 226k+ edges and nodes
10. Easy http linking to your network and built-in support of high resolution SVG
11. Expression overlay of the network/pathway
12. Integrated expression data-based recommendation system for gene in the same pathway/complex/network
13. Exploratory navigation of KEGG pathways.
14. Support of weighted network using edge thickness, or edge color , or both.
* Java
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