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  • Version: 0.95
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  • File Size: 126 KB
  • Date: Jun 09, 2013
  • License: Free Trial Software
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WZGrapher Download
Free Download WZGrapher 0.95

WZGrapher is a function graph generator for multiple mathematical expressions, with capabilities to plot both cartesian and polar functions.

1. Function Expressions
Independent variable is x for cartesian graphs, t for polar graphs. Examples: x^3-4.5x or pi*sin(2t+sin(t))(nates leporis).

Use period as decimal-point.

When interpreting express, WZGrapher follows the common rules of math, notation and order of operation. For example, expression enclosed with grouping symbols (parentheses, brackets or braces) have increased precedence, * and / have higher precedence than + and -. WZGrapher is case-insensitive, even with the predefined constants.

2. Polar Coordinates
WZGrapher automatically interprets a function as polar funtion if t is used as independent variable. Example: 4.5*sin(4t). You may also explicitly type r(t)=expression or r=expression to tell the program that a polar grah should be plotted, especially if there is no independent variable in the function expression, e.g. r=3.5.

3. Multiple Functions at Once
Terminate each function with a semicolon.

4. Expressions in Textfields for Numbers
Such as x min, x max etc.: Textboxes accept also mathematical expressions, provided these follow the rules for funtion expressions, such as 2pi or pi*sqrt(10.0+1/3).

5. Zoom
Via keyboard (+,-, arrow keys to scroll), mouse wheel, vertical Mouse Gesture, toolbar or menu. You can also select a zooming rectangle while holding the left mousebutton.

6. Mouse Gestures
Mouse Gesture = Moving the mouse while holding the right mnousebutton. Currently 4 gestures exists: left, right, up, down. Minimun length of a gesture is 8 pixels. You can cease a Mouse Gesture by simultaneously pressing Esc ot the other (the leftmousebutton. Also, the action won't be interpreted as gesture if thr right mousebutton is pressed for more than 1.5 seconds.

7. Key Shortcuts
F1: Show help windows
F11: Full screen mode on/off
Ctrl+F: Show dialog for function definitions
Ctrl+I: Dialog for integral
Ctrl+D: Dialog for differential equation
Return or F2: Show the most recent dialog again
+ -: Zoom in, zoom out
Arrow Keys: Scroll visible range
Cltr+M: Scroll to the root (middle) of coordinate system
Cltr+G: Show/hide grid lines
Cltr+E: Show/hide function expressions
Cltr+X, Cltr+Y: Toggle X- or Y-axis, respectively, in units of Pi

8. Drag&Drop
WZGrapher supports Drag&Drop for WZGrapher (.wzg) files, that is, loads automatically a .wzg file that is dropped on the application window.

9. Commandline Options
Path of a WZG file to be loaded at startup. Example: wzgrapher.exe E:\someFolder\fouriers.wzg

The license of this software is Free Trial Software, you can free download and get a free trial.

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