Analyze Allogg ABSS on-line blood sampler data with this tool. algtimes can correct the sample times in Allogg ABSS on-line blood sampler data. Use this, if sampling was accidentally started later than the PET scan.
If the new sampling start time is not given, the program lists information on current sample times on the screen. Here is the usage syntax: algtimes [Options] [New sampling start time as hh:mm:ss].
algtimes [Options] <Sampler datafile> [New sampling start time as hh:mm:ss]
Filename for corrected sampler data; by default, original file is overwritten.
Print build information and exit.
Print this text and exit.
Work silently; only warnings and error messages are printed in stdout.
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this calculator software.