Analyze plasma TAC files fast and easy. dfttime can help you change sample times in regional or blood/plasma TAC files. Samples with negative times are not saved. Time must be given in the same units that are used in the datafile.
Time can be given as positive or negative value directly in the command line, or in an ASCII file which contains a line with the time change value in the following format: time_difference := time. Alternatively, time specified in file with Ta or start_time is subtracted from sample times.
Usage: dfttime [Options] <input file> <[-]time value or file> <output file>
Time can be given as positive or negative value directly in the command line, or in an ASCII file which contains a line with the time change value in the following format: 'time_difference := time'. Alternatively, time specified in file with 'Ta' or 'start_time' is subtracted from sample times.
-h or --help
Print this message and exit
Physical decay correction is changed with change in sample times; without this option, radioactivity values are not changed. Accepted isotope codes are for example F-18, C-11, and O-15. Isotope code can also be specified in input file in format '# isotope := Isotope'. Note that this option will provide correct result only if time unit setting in datafile is correct.
Samples with negative sample times are not removed from output.
While correction for physical decay is changed with option -d, sample times will not be changed.
Possible gap between time zero and first sample is filled.
--version or --build
Print software build information and exit
Program works silently, printing only error and warning messages
Program prints lots of information about what it is doing.
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this calculator software.