Free Download ecat2tif 3.7.1
Extract matrices from ECAT files with this program. ecat2tif help you extract the matrices of an ECAT 6.3 or ECAT 7 image or sinogram, or Analyze 7.5 image, to TIFF 6.0 images.
Example 1: Make TIF of plane 8 and frame 17, which is yet scaled to the level of whole image maximum: ecat2tif -s -p=8 -f=17 s2345dy1.v s2345_pl08_fr17.tif Example 2: Make TIF of all image matrices in rainbow color scale: ecat2tif -rb s2345sum.img s2345sum.tif Example 3: Make TIF of all image matrices, scaling the colors to value 3: cat2tif -S=3 a3456bp.v a3456bp.tif
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this calculator software.