List time frame info from your ECAT files fast and easy. eframe help you list the time frame information of an ECAT 6.3 or 7.x file. The frame start times and lengths can be saved in the specified frame file in minutes.
If an existing Frame file is specified, the frame lengths or frame start times and lengths (min) are read from it and are written in ECAT file; Frame and ECAT file must contain an equal number of frames. If SIF is provided and original ECAT file does not contain isotope or scan start time, they are copied from the SIF.
You should make sure that Frame file does not exist, unless you want to to change the frame times in ECAT file.
Usage: eframe [-Options] <ECAT file> [Frame file or SIF]
Program writes frame information to frame file in seconds.
Program writes frame information to frame file in minutes; this is the default.
Frame file is written in interfile type format; currently this format is not supported in changing the frame times.
-h or --help
Print this message and exit
--build or --version
Print software build information and exit
Program works silently, printing only warnings and error messages
Program prints lots of information about what it is doing.
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this calculator software.