Analyze 3D/4D PET images with this tool. imgbox help you extract a box-like volume of 3D/4D PET image. Note that no backup is made of any previous output file.
Usage: imgbox <Image file> [<Volume definition file> <Output image file>]
-h or --help
Print this message and exit
--version or --build
Print software build information and exit
Program works silently, printing only error and warning messages
Program prints lots of information about what it is doing.
Volume definition file is an ASCII text file, which containts pixel coordinates (x y z; 1..dimension) of the two opposite corners of the extracted image volume, for example:
corner1 := 63 57 26
corner2 := 84 71 44
If only input image filename is given, then program prints the image dimensions.
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this calculator software.