Distribution volume estimation made easy. imgdv help you with the estimation of distribution volume (Vt) or distribution volume ratio (DVR) from dynamic 2D PET images in ECAT 6.3 or 7.x format applying model independent graphical analysis approach of Logan et al for reversible tracer uptake or binding.
Simple non-iterative perpendicular line fitting algorithm is applied in determination of the slope of the Logan plot.
1) Input file (Plasma or Reference region TAC; times in minutes)
2) Dynamic image file
3) Linear fit start time (0 for automatic determination)
4) Parametric image file
-k2=<k2 of reference region>
With reference region input it may be necessary to specify also the population average for reference region k2 [2]
Pixels with AUC less than (threshold/100 x max AUC) are set to zero. Default is 0 %
-max=<Max value>
Upper limit for Vt or DVR values.
-min=<Min value>
Lower limit for Vt or DVR values; 0 by default.
-F Remove parametric pixel values that are over 4x higher than
their closest neighbours.
-E=<Fit end time (min)>
Never use data after fit end time.
Y axis intercepts times -1 are written as an image in specified file.
Numbers of selected plot data points are written as an image.
-h or --help
Print this message and exit.
-v, --version or --build
Print software build information and exit.
Program works silently, printing only error and warning messages.
Program prints more information about what it is doing.
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this calculator software.