Fit compartmental model with this program. lhsol help you with the fitting of full or reduced compartmental model to plasma and tissue time-activity curves (TACs) to estimate the model parameters.
Compartmental models are transformed into general linear least squares functions, which are solved using Lawson-Hanson non-negative least squares (NNLS) algorithm.
Linear parameters are always >=0, but compartmental model parameters may get negative estimates. Note that rate constants and macroparameters are represented per volume (measured by PET) including vascular volume.
Usage: lhsol <Model> <Plasma file> <Tissue file> <Fit time> <Result file>
, where Model is one of these strings:
k1 (for assuming k2=k3=k4=k5=k6=0)
k2 (for assuming k3=k4=k5=k6=0)
k3 (for assuming k4=k5=k6=0)
k4 (for assuming k5=k6=0)
k5s (for assuming k6=0 and compartments in series)
k6s (compartments in series)
k5p (for assuming k6=0 and compartments in parallel)
For model 'k6p' many of model parameters could not be solved.
Vp is ignored (default) or fitted; note that plasma curve is assumed to represent vascular blood curve, which is usually not true.
-w1 | -wf
Sample weights are set to 1 (-w1) or to frame lengths (-wf); by default weights in tissue data file are used, if available.
Mid frame times are used (y) or not used (n, default) even if frame start and end times are available.
Fitted regional TACs are written in DFT format.
Fitted and measured TACs are plotted in specified SVG file.
Parameters of linear model are saved in result format.
-h or --help
Print this message and exit.
--version or --build
Print software build information and exit.
Program works silently, printing only error and warning messages.
Program prints more information about what it is doing.
The license of this software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this calculator software.